Thursday, August 5, 2010

Oregon Trails

Red Rocks in Utah
Did you know that in Oregon it is the state law that all gas stations are full service?  Does Oregon not trust us to pump our own gas?  Why not?  This is not an overly complicated task, nevertheless I was not allowed to pump my own gas.  Lame I know. 
Utah Rocks!
I left Lyman this morning and was in Utah in under an hour. Utah is amazing.  It was so beautiful.  I thought that Utah was going to be boring.  I was so completely wrong.  It was absolutely amazing.  I made a stop in order to take some photos of the ridiculous scenery that was going on and I had a blast.  It was so cool.  There were little trails that you cold walk up to get a better view.  I traversed one in order to get a pretty spectacular view. 
I climbed to the top for a better view
At the top!
Ever since we went to Devil's Tower in Wyoming, I have associated red earth with Wyoming and I was feeling very disappointed because I didn't see as much of that as I thought I would.  Utah was red.  The rocks that seemed to be trying to explode out towards the roads were rust colored.  Simply amazing. 

Idaho was boring.  I took three pictures in Idaho.  One of the welcome to Idaho sign and two of a dust storm.  I was stuck in Boise forever.  Boise sucks.  It took me over an hour to go less that 12 miles. 
Either a dust storm or I have callously
placed a photo of a fire online.
Pretty sure it was a dust storm though

Finally, after escaping Idaho (which I feared was never going to happen when parked on the highway in Boise) I arrived in Oregon.  It was almost instantly beautiful.  The hills are curved and carved. 
They make me think of fairy tales and magic.  I have told this reference to two people both of whom did not get it, but the hills reminded me of The Lord of the Rings.  Now, I know some of you got that reference.  I got to the camp grounds late, the sun was already setting (thanks a lot Boise) and I put up the tent in near darkness.  Patrick- thanks for the if you have to set up the tent in the dark tips!  They were helpful.  Tomorrow its off to Washington!
A river I came across in Oregon after I had to use an alternate
route after the gas debacle.


  1. Wow! This is awesome. I love the pictures, and I love that you are having so much fun on your journey. Good luck on the ferry ride. I know we probably won't hear from you again until August 10 when you arrive in Sitka, AK. Take care, and enjoy the ride! Love, Mom

  2. Eileen,
    What a great trip! The pictures are amazing.

  3. That's totally wild about the gas... I wonder if they expect tips at all gas stations, that would be a rip off! Love the pics!

  4. Eileen, we are loving following your adventures! Can't wait to hear about the ferry ride.

  5. You have me hooked on your blog. Amazing adventures indeed! Very funny in a laugh out loud kind of way. Keep these posts coming!
